

Finding Peace in Turbulent Times

Longtime listener, first time caller! Thanks to Noah Feldman of Deep Background podcast for this holiday interview

Episode 45: “Before there was therapy, there was religion.”

Thanks to Prof. Rachel Gordan of the University of Florida and the “Writing It!” podcast for the chance to discuss some of the nuts and bolts of putting a book together.


Clinical Implications of Spiritual Therapy

Delighted to discuss with Dr. Michael Sapiro, PsyD, some clinical uses and implications of spiritual therapy. Interview on Radio Awakened.


Prof. Bruce D. Haynes discusses Black Jews

My interview of Prof. Haynes regarding his remarkable book on Jews of African Descent in America. At the forefront of 21st Century Jewish Studies.


How the pianist Mary Lou Williams found God (and made it to the Vatican)

An excerpt of “Making Peace with the Universe” published in America Magazine: The Jesuit Review. A real honor.


The Gist, Part I

Being interviewed by Mike Pesca of The Gist is like getting cross-examined by Lenny Bruce. Loved it! Part II below …


The Gist, Part II

Peace with the universe? Still working on it …. Wrapping up a great conversation with Mike Pesca.


A Spiritual Form of Therapy

Thanks to Dr. David Dault of “Things Not Seen” for this interview. David gets into the nitty gritty!


Have You Made Peace With The Universe?

Honored to be with Pat McMahon on “The God Show.”

Peace in 3 minutes

Three minutes of an interview in which I talk about the origin and inspiration for my book Making Peace with the Universe.


No Gold Standard: Jewish Studies on the American Campus

A great honor to deliver the opening keynote address for the UC Riverside Sikh Studies conference, May 7, 2021.


Reflexive Interview!

This was really fun. Dr. Amanda Lucia and I interviewed one another on 11/18/2020 about our new books at the Center for Ideas and Society at UC Riverside. Amanda’s book: White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals


Why Hurt People turn to Spirituality in times of Crisis

A short excerpt of “Making Peace with the Universe” published in Elephant Journal.


American Academy of Religion post

Short piece about the origin of the book.